Therapy for Teens in Atlanta

Looking for a therapist for your teenager? Our Atlanta-based therapy practice serves various neighborhoods, including, but not limited to Buckhead, Morningside, Virginia Highlands, Sandy Springs, and Brookhaven.

Helping Your Tween/Teen

Navigating the tumultuous waters of adolescence can be challenging for teenagers and their families. You're not alone if you're worrying about your teenager or noticing sudden behavior changes, academic struggles, or even signs of emotional distress. At Intown Psychology, we understand the complexities of the adolescent journey, and our psychologists, therapists, and counselors are here to guide your teenager toward growth, resilience, and healing.

Why Choose Teen Therapy at Intown Psychology?

Adolescence is a phase of immense change marked by physical, emotional, and psychological shifts. Teens are transitioning away from relying on their parents for emotional support, which is natural but can be complicated by worrisome behaviors.

At Intown Psychology, we believe that therapy for teens is essential and a lifeline during these transformative years. Our team of experienced therapists, including Dr. Jeremy Salzman, Jess Hathorn, Dr. Steven "Steedy" Kontos III, and Grace Brown, specializes in working with teenagers and understands their unique needs and challenges.

Common Teen Disorders

At our Atlanta office, we specialize in providing evidence-based therapy services to teens facing a wide range of mental health challenges. Our professionals are well-equipped to address the following disorders and conditions:

OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder): OCD manifests in many ways. Oftentimes, a teenager experiences unwanted thoughts or images (the obsession), which leads to a ritual/habit (the compulsion) that temporarily relieves their anxiety. Some teens share “just right” OCD, where they may not necessarily experience the traditional obsessions, but they feel they have to engage in certain behaviors to feel “just right.” We understand the unique struggles associated with OCD, and our therapists are here to help teens manage their OCD by using evidence-based treatments, such as ERP (Exposure Response Prevention).

ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder): ADHD is characterized by many symptoms, such as difficulties with emotional regulation, hyperactivity, inattention, focus, organization, and impulse control. Each teen may encounter symptoms differently. Our therapeutic services are tailored to assist them in building practical strategies for success and strengthening their executive functioning skills.

ODD (Oppositional Defiant Disorder): ODD is characterized by a frequent and ongoing pattern of anger, irritability, and arguing with parents and other authority figures. ODD is often first seen in childhood. Treating ODD is multifaceted, and we work closely with teenagers and their support systems to create a harmonious and supportive environment.

Major Depressive Disorder: Major depressive disorder is characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness and a loss of interest. Our therapists are skilled in addressing major depressive disorder, offering support and guidance to teens dealing with constant sadness, hopelessness, suicidal ideation, and other related symptoms.

Anxiety Disorders: Anxiety is an umbrella term used to describe teens’ worry, fear, or nervousness, depending on the context. Below are specific types of anxiety disorders that we treat at Intown Psychology.

  • Separation Anxiety Disorder: Excessive fear or worry concerning separation from their parents or caregivers.

  • Specific Phobias: Excessive fear or worry about a specific object or situation (e.g., the dark, flying, heights, shots, etc.)

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Excessive fear, worry, or nervousness about a variety of topics. Teens often experience racing thoughts, often observed before bed or in the morning. 

  • Social Anxiety Disorder: Excessive fear, worry, or nervousness in one or more social situations in which your teen is exposed to scrutiny or criticism by others. Teens often report feeling like others are constantly judging them and feel like a spotlight is following them. 

  • Panic Disorder: Recurrent panic attacks. Panic attacks are abrupt surges of intense fear or discomfort that reach a peak within minutes. Symptoms include sweating, trembling/shaking, heart racing, difficulty breathing, and feeling like they are going to pass out, to name a few. 

Substance Abuse/Dependence: A substance use disorder is characterized by uncontrolled use of a substance despite negative consequences, such as interpersonal conflicts, academic difficulties, trouble with the law, etc. We provide specialized counseling for teens grappling with substance abuse or dependence issues, assisting them in overcoming addiction and making healthier life choices.

PTSD (Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder): PTSD is triggered following a terrifying event- either experienced or observed. Symptoms include flashbacks, avoidance of trauma reminders, anxiety, nightmares, and uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Adolescents who have experienced distressing events can find solace and healing through our trauma-focused therapy. Our therapists are well-versed in helping teens process their experiences and regain a sense of safety and control.

Common Teen Issues

At In Town Psychology, we offer a safe and confidential space for teens to explore a wide range of issues, including but not limited to:

Anxiety & Stress: Adolescents often face anxiety related to various aspects of their lives, such as academic pressures or relationship challenges. Our therapists work closely with teens to develop strategies for managing anxiety and stress effectively.

Behavioral Issues: Teenagers may exhibit behavioral problems due to a range of factors, and our therapists help address and manage these issues in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Grief & Loss: Adolescents may experience grief and loss, such as the death of a loved one or family changes. Our therapists provide a safe space for teens to express their emotions and cope with loss.

Trauma: Our team is equipped to handle various forms of trauma, including abuse, sexual assault, and witnessing distressing events. We offer trauma-focused therapy to help teens process their experiences and regain a sense of safety and control.

Relationship Challenges: Adolescents often experience complex relationships and volatile dating situations. Our counseling addresses social conflicts, emotional boundaries, and reckless behavior, helping teens enhance their relationship skills and communication.

Academic Pressure: The pressure to excel academically can be overwhelming for teenagers. We offer a safe space for teens to vent, process stress, and find ways to manage their time effectively.

Identity and Self-Discovery: Adolescence is a time for self-discovery, but it can also lead to questions about identity, values, and life goals. Our therapists assist teens in exploring their beliefs, values, and sense of self while fostering self-awareness and self-confidence.

Divorce: Adolescents often experience a wide range of emotions when their parents go through a divorce. Our therapy helps them share their feelings and develop coping strategies in a supportive environment.

Parent-Teen Relationships: It is common for teenagers to encounter challenges in their relationships with their parents. These familial relationships can be demanding, often marked by communication barriers and misunderstandings. We offer therapy to help improve parent-teen relationships by facilitating open dialogue and fostering mutual understanding within families.

Sibling Relationships: Adolescents frequently experience complexities in their relationships with their siblings. These familial bonds can be challenging due to sibling rivalries and communication obstacles. We offer therapy to help teens build healthier and more positive connections with their siblings.

Self-Harm: We understand that self-harm is a way for some teens to cope with their pain. Our therapists provide assessments to ensure a teen’s safety and help them find healthier coping mechanisms dedicated to helping teens overcome self-harm and distress.

Ready to Begin Therapy?

Intown Psychology is your partner in helping your teenager navigate the challenges of adolescence. Our therapists understand the unique needs of Atlanta teenagers and are committed to providing them with the support they require.

Starting counseling with us is easy:

Contact Intown Psychology: Reach out to us for a caring therapist who can support your teen. We offer a complimentary consultation to discuss your teen's presenting concerns, scheduling, and fees.

Meet with a Therapist: Schedule a meeting where we can get to know your teenager and address your questions. Our therapists take the time to understand the specific challenges your teen is facing.

Start the Process: Your teenager deserves the chance to thrive, and we are here to make that happen. Our therapists work closely with teens to create a customized treatment plan that addresses their unique needs and goals.

Contact us today to schedule a complimentary consultation with one of our skilled teen therapists.

Therapy for teens is just one of the many services we offer at Intown Psychology. We also provide therapy for children, young adults, couples, and families facing various mental health concerns. Our comprehensive approach to mental health ensures that individuals of all ages can find the support and guidance they need.